marshila...dream n destiny

marshila...dream n destiny
juz me..aku bahagia begini..camni la yg kenal aku,aku consider kamu memang tau perangai aku...coz aku ni kadang2 tak ramai yg paham...tah aku pun tak paham...tapi aku ok je cemane2 pun...sumtime org cakap aku jiwang, tapi aku rase cam aku ni garang je..kalau org cakap aku ni seyes, kadang2 aku rase cam aku ni takde prasaan pn..tapi tak kesahla ape pn yg kamu judge aku...asal kamu kenal aku...kamu tahu siape aku...aku biase2 je..suke wat hal sendiri... but @ da same time suke melepak ngan kawan2 aku gak...kadang pun aku bising2 huha-huha jgk...tak tau la nak describe camne...flexible?? so-so la... What I know....I am what I am...I can't be somebody else...I am Marshila Mahput...) cheerish every single moment in ur life cuz hidup ni skali je...

Sunday, June 22, 2008

itu aku

im happy with my life, myself & for what I was meant to be.people cannot easily judge me coz its only me exactly know what an I doing.I love snapping picture, photo editing, photoghraphy, video works & try to make someyhing that can make they smile, just a smile. coz it worth more than a compliment. takut lupa diri. I love all my friends. Once we’re friends, forever friends we’ll be. I have no rights on anything, Coz I have nothing. We have no right to make fools on others. You may cheat, you may lie. But dont ever thinks that other people are stupid. Aku ‘stage fright’, aku suka instrumental, aku layan rock zaman-zaman mak aku, aku suka pantai, aku suka ungu & hitam, aku produk UiTM, aku budak marketing, aku suka iklan, aku gila gajet, aku suka merepek, aku suka belajar masak, aku suka pegi Batu Pahat & Taiping, aku manusia biasa, orang tak boleh nak expect yang aku tak bole jadi jahat, sebab aku manusia biasa. kita datang di dunia ini bukan mencari seorang yang sempurna untuk dicintai, tapi belajar untuk mencintai seorang manusia yang tidak sempurna dengan sempurnanya
last but not least....aku sayang dia..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

just do things that right to u..
ignore wat others said..
they have the right to say anything as we have the right anything bout them too..
b confidence all the time darl..
u r for who u r..
n thats the lala we have known for the past 5 years..
keep up the good work babe!
all the besh for u..
hit me anytime u have probs..
love u darl..