marshila...dream n destiny

marshila...dream n destiny
juz me..aku bahagia begini..camni la yg kenal aku,aku consider kamu memang tau perangai aku...coz aku ni kadang2 tak ramai yg paham...tah aku pun tak paham...tapi aku ok je cemane2 pun...sumtime org cakap aku jiwang, tapi aku rase cam aku ni garang je..kalau org cakap aku ni seyes, kadang2 aku rase cam aku ni takde prasaan pn..tapi tak kesahla ape pn yg kamu judge aku...asal kamu kenal aku...kamu tahu siape aku...aku biase2 je..suke wat hal sendiri... but @ da same time suke melepak ngan kawan2 aku gak...kadang pun aku bising2 huha-huha jgk...tak tau la nak describe camne...flexible?? so-so la... What I know....I am what I am...I can't be somebody else...I am Marshila Mahput...) cheerish every single moment in ur life cuz hidup ni skali je...

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

2009.....destiny..dream...tru love

Happy new year
Time is running too fast..diam tak diam..2008 has come to its end..
Nak masuk tahun 2009 dah..
Hmm..every year msti ada azam....azam 2008 ada laa jugak yg tercapai..heee
Azam nak completekan dgree mktg aku, thesis lagi..finally…habis pun..after penat lelah yang.....huuh tak taula nak cakap.....macam2 benda nak kena go thru dlu..just me..
But not only me....guess I'm lucky coz having all the people yg tak penah penat bg semangat kat aku..
Tru friends...that's what are friends for & d one and only.....Mr.Faiz(luv u syg)
To those who I know who you are....
Whether big or small, my deepest thanks goes out to you.
Thanks for being the one who I can bite nails with, the one who I can trust when it comes to sharing nerves and frustrations of the whole project paper affair.
macam2 rasenye aku nak wat taun 2009 ni....satu impian aku tgah cube nak realisasikan....just pray yang DIA akn tunjukkan jalan....aamin..)
biarkan tahun yg lepas2 tu pergi.....yang akan tetap dalam ingatan aku..
pahit goes on...aku happy bekawan...berkenaln dgn korang semua...tak kira sape2 pun.... (too many thing nak disampaikan dalam 1 post ni.....)
well if u know me...this is me...aku memang macam2..

"Just laugh,and love like you've never been hurt because every 60 seconds u spend angry or upset is a minute of HAPPINESS u'll never get back..."

1 comment:

Bobby said...

hai. I waited for your post long time ago. and at last! you update yr blog. Nice logo. since you have interest in editing, deep support goes to you.